INSERT INTO `hwws_diyform1` VALUES('4','0','','','','',''); INSERT INTO `hwws_diyform1` VALUES('3','0','','','','',''); INSERT INTO `hwws_diyform1` VALUES('5','0','Joyce','NWEPC','029-82551310','','Inquiry Programma MT 1600'); INSERT INTO `hwws_diyform1` VALUES('6','0','','','','','Dear Sir,\r\nI wish to know more about your products such as :\r\n1)sound level meter\r\n2)air speed meter\r\n3)electromagnatic wave radiation alarm \r\n4)surface resistance meter.\r\nPlease include the price of your products.\r\nRegards\r\nsof'); INSERT INTO `hwws_diyform1` VALUES('7','0','T H Loo','','15887175726','','Dear Sir,\r\nI would like to know more about your products such as :\r\n1)sound level meter\r\n2)air speed meter\r\n3)other meter: "range finder"\r\nplease include your price.\r\nRegards\r\nT H Loo\r\n'); INSERT INTO `hwws_diyform1` VALUES('8','0','gmeszbimk','QCklNPMdo','NECMHanYMqdd','','ltgh9u <a href="">fvglwfffrudc</a>, [url=]tbuljcxoncdn[/url], [link=]hjqbhtmvsmpp[/link],'); INSERT INTO `hwws_diyform1` VALUES('9','0','KARTHIK','NAGMAN','00914426811707','','we need catalog for all your products'); INSERT INTO `hwws_diyform1` VALUES('10','0','husseini','eecorp','962796023949','','dear sir \r\n trying to contact with you through your email address mention in your site but with deeply sorry no response positive from your side all mail back to \r\n please check the matters from your side and advise us your exact your mails address\r\nrgds\r\nHusseini'); INSERT INTO `hwws_diyform1` VALUES('11','0','THAKOR','ARUNOTHAI INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD.','','',''); INSERT INTO `hwws_diyform1` VALUES('12','0','THAKOR','ARUNOTHAI INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. THAILAND','+66818155926','','Please advise your price for VIBRATION METER to measure Envelope Acceleration / Velocity / Displacement and RPM\r\n\r\nThanks\r\n\r\nAwaiting'); INSERT INTO `hwws_diyform1` VALUES('13','0','fsrgsrmvyw','tIsPysmhhZFeRgyBJz','22783783131','','JqHP1n <a href="">royjegohnxkz</a>, [url=]yklpgungxmzz[/url], [link=]zbogopycngng[/link],'); INSERT INTO `hwws_diyform1` VALUES('14','0','Tatiana Fisher','Conexion Oriente ','13488687348','','\r\nHello, \r\n\r\nMy name is Tatiana Fisher, I represent a Mexican company that is interested in finding a mesurement and calibrating tools supplier. \r\n\r\nI would like to know what kind of mesurement tools products do you offer and the general details. \r\n\r\nWaiting your response ASAP\r\n\r\nTatiana Fisher '); INSERT INTO `hwws_diyform1` VALUES('15','0','Samley','GKSCitaJhvH','LDdzhVbbMZhlXp','','I moved away from my main group of friends a mnbuer of years ago because of work, and our lives have all taken many twists and turns since such that we have all found maintaining our friendships at their previous level difficult. I still miss these friends and though I have made others, these friendships do not seem to have the same depth and it is not just because they are newer. As I get older, I find that people seem to have less time and energy for friendship among the competing demands of work and family, and I find this sad although I am guilty of it also. When I moved here, I also met some people who I felt offered potential as friends, but they seemed to already have as many friends as they could cope with and were not really interested in including any more. I would do anything to help my friends, but I could not say the same of all of them. However, one of the pleasures of getting older is that one gets more philosophical about peoples\' capabilities and alters expectations accordingly. My husband remains my best friend and our relationship compensates much for any perceived shortcomings of others. I have also had the enjoyment of forging much better relationships with siblings and some relatives as we have all "grown up" a bit.');